Fate Is So Unkind

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This story is is finished but is still in the process of being eddited so please be patient.  If you have any suggestions please email me.  Also please review and send me any coments. 

Title: Fate Is So Unkind
Author: gottaluvshawn- gottaluvshawn@hotmail.com
Website: gottaluvshawn.tripod.com/wrestlingfans
Wrestler(s): Triple H, Shawn Michaels, mentions of other people
Content: language, violence, character death, rape
Disclaimer: I own Jessica Hunter and nothing else- believe me, if I owned ANY of these people I would be too busy to write about it!!! :) 
Distribution: please just ask
Rating: R
Summary: Jessica Hunter believes that she has finally escaped her abbusive boyfriend and crapy life for a new life with the WWE, will Hunter ruin her dreams?

It had been ten years since that prison, I mean school, had set us free and I was still looking for that right guy. In high school I went out with two guys and only one kept my eyes for a few years, however, I moved and we did not keep in touch, unfortunately. The other one, like most, was a jerk and we did not last long. I guess I have pretty high standards for the guy I want to be with. Well, anyway, my ten year high school reunion was coming up and I thought I would go just to see what my old friends were up to. I was also hoping Ron would be there and I hoped he would still be free and we could get together again. A week later I was driving to the school. It had been ten years, I know I keep saying that, but it all looked so weird now. It seemed smaller and the people who showed up were all dressed like they were going to a wedding and only about two couples stayed together since high school. Everyone seemed to have a grudge against everyone else and none of the groups that were together then were together now. I decided to walk around a bit, get into the gossip and see who all was there and what they had done in the last ten years. I met up with some old friends who changed a good bit. I never really kept in touch with anyone from school. I noticed that the most common job was office work and nobody moved more than 100 miles away. I however, moved from PA to Texas and was working in a computer repair plant for Sony while paying my way thought a wrestling school. After walking around and talking for about an hour I finally found Ron. We talked about what we did with our lives and I told him that I was in town for a week to see my mother and see what all had happened to the place. Also I had a meeting with some people with WWE while they were in Pittsburgh. We decided we would have lunch the next day then go to the movies. The day after that I would need to get to Pittsburgh early for my meeting. That next day when Ron and I went out I thought that I would never need another guy as long as he and I stayed together. I still loved him. We broke up and went back out more times then I could remember and all I wanted now was to stay with him. We talked about the possibilities of staying together, and how much we missed each other. I figured that I could stay a week longer than I had planned so we could be together and decide what to do about where to move. Later that night at the movies we had a great time. We were acting like children but we got serious a bit later. About half way into the movie we found ourselves kissing, it was deep, full, and passionate. I could not think of when I had a better time with him and we hit it off like there was nothing to worry about. While we were driving home I told him about my meeting. He was so excited because even in high school I was working hard for this meeting and I had finally got it. I was meeting with WWE owner and chairman, Vince McMahon to hopefully sigh a deal with him. And after my meeting I would stay to watch the show. The next day I got up early to start my day. It wasn't like I could sleep anyway. Well either way I got more done at that time than most people do in one day. Ron and I even went out to eat and he told me he could come with me to the arena for good luck and to be there when I got the good news. We got to the arena about three hours before the show and a few people where already in the lot waiting. I made my way into the arena but they would not allow Ron in since I only had one ID card. Soon I found JR and told him who I was, what I was there for, and asked him where I could get another card for Ron. He told me where to go for the card and also told me that Vince would be expecting me in about a half an hour in his office and that I would not be able to bring Ron with me. I got the card for Ron and left him in the cafeteria. I then went on my way to find Vince's office. I finally found it, took a deep breath, and knocked. It all came down to this minute, everything I had done in my life, everything I was, came down to this moment, to right now. I heard a voice from inside, “come in. I took another deep breath, opened the door, and walked in. " Mr. McMahon, my name is Jessica Hunter, I am here to discuss a possible contract with you." "Ah, yes, so what is it you would like to accomplish within my company?" The question threw me completely off and I had no clue what to say. "Well, sir, I would like to explore all of the possible options the company has to offer. I would like to climb my way up and get the title and possibly do some movie roles. I feel that I am a better heel but I am capable of making heel or face believable. I wasn't sure what I was going to say but once it came out I though it sounded good. Apparently so did he, because he pulled out a contract and told me to read it and get back to him sometime before the next Monday. When I left his office I was so excited that I could barley walk and don't even remember finding the cafeteria but I did and told Ron the good news. "I found him and we decided that we would stay and watch the rest of the show. All in all it was a good show, I don't remember too much of it because I was thinking about my contract. All my life I wondered what they said and now I would be able to find out. For the first time in my life I could not wait for the show to be over so I could go home and read. Anyway by the time I got home it was late and I thought that maybe I should wait till morning to read it when I would probably understand it more. I sat it on my dresser and went to bed. Despite turning my TV on, which always put me to sleep, I was wide awake two hours later. I could not stop thinking about the stack of papers waiting to be read and signed. I got out of bed and read through them. I understood most of it but decided to call my lawyer in the morning anyway to go over it. The next morning I had a meeting with my lawyer and we went over the contract. It was nothing special, just your regular deal and said that at the end of this three year contract I would have the choice to sign another contract if both parties agreed that it was the right thing to do. Once he explained the contract I decided I agreed to it and would sign it. I called Vince and he told me that they were still in Pittsburgh and that he would meet with me as soon as I could get down there. I told him that I could be at the arena in about an hour. About an hour later I was once again in Pittsburgh to meet with Vince. This time I knew I had it. I signed it and he gave me another packet of papers to be signed, mostly by my doctor. He also gave me a list of meetings that I would have to attend within the next week. Creative, wardrobe, talent relations, pictures, wwe.com, and the RAW magazine. By the time I left his office I realized I would be spending the next week in Connecticut. I would have to get home because I had a lot to do, it was Wednesday and I would need to leave for Connecticut by Saturday or Sunday. I decided that, since it was still pretty early, I would be able to stay in Pittsburgh for a bit. I had never really taken the time to just drive around in this city, just to see what all is there. I mean I have spent my whole life living just outside of it and still really had no idea what was within it. I stopped at a few places and just had some fun, most people complain about getting lost in big cities but I really had no problem, another reason why I think I will be able to handle being a WWE wrestler. After spending a few hours in the city I went home to start the many calls I would have to make. I mean, think about it, I'm going to begin my life, my dream. I would need to call my whole family, get a hotel in Connecticut. All my friends and I'm sure many other people I am not thinking about. Not only did I have to call people but I had to pack up and decide if I need to go get anything, and plan for things to do in Connecticut. I had never been there so I decided to leave on Friday so that I could get to the store down there and check out my surroundings. I wasn't sure just how much money I would be making so I did not do anything with my apartment in Texas yet. I couldn't do anything yet even if I wanted to, I left all of my stuff down there, not to mention, my boyfriend. Since I was going to be gone a week more than I originally planned I would need to go to the store and the Laundromat to have clothes. Now don’t get me wrong, I am excited.

Chapter 2 Well finally, its early Friday morning. It’s about 5am and I’m getting the car all packed up. I went to the store the night before and got some things. A map, two outfits, another duffle bag, and some lunch for on the road. I wanted to leave early because I would need to find a store in Connecticut and get a few more things. Monday had come and not fast enough if you would have asked me. I got settled in and felt comfortable in my new area. Vince had told me that I should be at the WWE headquarters at about 9am on Monday to start my meetings. 9:05am Monday A person dressed in slacks with a beige shirt walked into the waiting room and called my name. Wow, that scared me and I’m not too sure why. Anyhow I followed him into a rather large room taken up mostly by a big meeting table. The room was dim but lighted and furnished in wooden furniture with black trim. I was happy to finally be here, yet I was dizzy with nervousness. Over the last two weeks things were a blur. I left my home because of a meeting but I knew once I got back there would be problems waiting for me. My boyfriend back home was abusive and I’m not the type of person to take that but I did and I still don’t know why. Also my dog that I had since I was twelve died of heart problems and it just now hit me that if he would have lived a week longer I could have helped him. Well leaving my home like that was forgotten with new thoughts of a new life entering my mind. The man who called my name was an older man with a gentle face and kind features. Mr. Cremonese was his name. He worked for WWE for over 35 years he told me; he was part of the talent relations staff. He would get my plane, hotel, and arena info to me. He asked if I would mind sharing a room and I told him that I didn’t. The questions he asked me were mainly about traveling. Did I have a car, a credit card, a passport, was I good with directions when not knowing where I was, have I ever flown, did I care what class, was I ever outside the states before. He told me to hold on a bit while he went to get some things set up. He left. I was in the room waiting. It was so quiet, and I have the type of mind that if it is quiet I can’t keep my mind on one subject even when it’s important. I realized then that I would be getting an IPOD as soon as possible. I sat thinking about nothing in particular. The door opened again and he walked back in with a small stack of papers. He set them in front of me and began to explain. His voice was soft and hard to hear, I wasn’t used to men acting this kind, I was suspicious. “Ok, well in that stack you will find your air tickets, passport application, hotel info, and arena info. I don’t tell you about your matches or anything I just tell you where the arenas are and how to get there, creative will tell you if you need to be there. But until they come up with a story line for you they will probably have you at every show. Any way, my card is also in there if you need anything else. I would suggest you get your hands on a laptop as soon as you can to keep in touch and print out last minuet directions, it comes in handy. I am going to give you some advice too if you don’t mind… I have been here for 35 years of my life, I have seen people come and go, some are happy, some aren’t, you need to sort through that. At first don’t trust anyone, watch your own back, and for God’s sake don’t get arrogant until you have a firm place. The guys demand respect yet few deserve it but nonetheless you have to give it or they will make your life a living hell. Don’t walk into your first arena like you own the place, you will regret it. There is a lot of heartbreak in this business. Nothing is in cement, not your job, not your match, not your relationship. If you have a relationship out side the business you will probably loose it. I have seen it happen, everyone thinks not me, I’m smarter than that, but then they get it the worse. You are a kind person, I can tell, but you need to harden up or you will open yourself for heartbreak. Don’t steel anyone away from anyone or they will kill you. You will not be accepted for a while but don’t give up you will make it, you have one hell of a fire in you, but don’t let them blow it out. And above all else, watch your back for the first month or two because you will get ribbed to hell from the boys, just understand that they are fun-loving and USUALLY don’t mean any harm. Good luck and keep in touch. Just PLEASE don’t let it go to your head.” He gave me a quick hug and showed me to the door. I could not stop thinking about the speech he gave me, it was so personal, and I loved that he just gave it straight. I had hoped that someone would do that for me and tell me the truth. I walked out and sat in the waiting room again. My next meeting, with creative, was at ten; I only had about 15 minuets to wait. Another man walked in, less casually dressed, in a suit called my name and I followed him. This man was a bit younger and had a lot of energy. If you were down and out this was the man to be around. I walked into another room set up in the same way but lit a bit more brightly. However, the two of us were not the only ones. There were about ten people seated around the table, including us. The young man began; “we are so excited because we are going to throw you right into a story line. It will be great. You are going to be the slightly younger sister of Stephanie McMahon. She will be showing you around when you see her walk up to her husband HHH and jokingly says that he is off limits. Well to say the least, you think he is cute and go after him as soon as she is gone. We will let you three have a good bit of control over this as long and Steph ends up hating you and HHH don’t know what to do and it ends up in a fight between you and Steph at WrestleMania, where HHH will probably turn on her.” I was as excited about it as he was, I had a storyline and would begin the next week. They explained that I would need to be at every show unless told not to and that my spot would begin on RAW Monday night. They told me that I should be at arenas at least two hours early and to stay till it’s over unless told and that I would be sharing a dressing room with the other girls until they saw how I was doing. The only thing they told me to do before I leave today was to come up with a name for myself. I had been using the name DreamWeaver and wanted to keep it but realized that it might not work so I asked if I could keep my name, Jessica Hunter. They said that the Jessica part was fine but I would need to change the last name to McMahon, which I was fine with. They said that I could keep my DreamWeaver name for later use. I was more than excited. After the meeting I had wondered about my other meetings, what would come of them. I was really excited about my meeting with wardrobe, I wanted so bad to use my own design but could not wait to see what they gave me. However I did not think they would let me use my design since it was more gothic and that was not my character. My meeting with wardrobe was long and rather boring. They showed me a few of the designs they thought would be good and one really clicked with me and we got the measurements. They told me to go pick up an outfit for the next day since I would be getting pictures taken. After my meetings were done I went to lunch and to the store. I picked up a good looking outfit for my character and went home. In fact I’m not sure why I called the hotel my home but I have felt more at home here in Connecticut than in Pennsylvania or Texas. The next day was a rather boring one. I had a rather extensive picture shoot and then a few interviews that had mostly the same questions. The best part of the day was when I was walking out and Vince called me into his office. “Girl its Tuesday and you start on Monday. Personally I can’t wait to see how you react to the people in the arena, it’s a whole new world and as soon as you can allow yourself to enjoy it you will be hooked and will never leave it. Your life is about to change and you will never go back, I hope your ready. Steph heard that she is going to be paired with you and wanted me to have you leave tomorrow for Iowa so you and she can hang out and get to know each other. See you on Monday, good luck.” I left and could not wait for the next day.

CHAPTER 3 Wednesday I’m all packed and on the plane for Iowa. I was not sure just what my life was about to become. This is officially my first day on the road with the WWE. I had no clue what to do about becoming a McMahon. I did not like her on TV and truly had a crush on Triple H. But Vince proved my expectations to be wrong about him so maybe I should give them a chance. I began to get scared. I finally got to Iowa and got to my hotel and met Stephanie in the bar; she was with Triple H. He was so close now, even hotter this close. I could not believe I was this close, I did not know if I could hide my emotions for him. I took a deep breath and walked in, trying to hide my emotions. “Hi Mrs. Levesque, my name is Jessica and I will be working with you.” I was so nervous, that sounded so bad, I knew it did. “Oh, hey, I could not wait to meet you. I have heard so much. And they were right, shy yet respectful. You can call me Steph hun, and don’t be scared, we don’t bite.” She sounded normal and had a smile on her face. Triple H also had a great smile on his face and every time I looked at him, especially into his eyes I knew for sure I would not be able to hide my emotions for long. We went to a table for a bit more privacy and ordered a meal. Then talked about our story line and decided on a few things, but I’m not going to tell you them… you’ll just have to read on. The rest of the week went on and took way too long but it was fun, I spent the mornings with Steph and Hunter, the afternoons at the gym, and the evenings on the town. Monday Finally, it’s here. I woke up rather early but spent most of the day in the gym. I was so sick about that night. I had been in a high school play but this was something entirely different. I had to be at the arena about 3 hours early but I wanted to go as early as I could. I called Steph and she said if I called her when I got there she would let me in. About half an hour later I was at the door calling her. I few minuets later the door opened and it was Hunter. “Sorry, but she was busy with her dad so I came. Are you excited?” My God I swear he knew how I felt about him because he was looking into my eyes every time he could and I would just have to look down. “Yeah, and scared.” “Awww, don’t be scared. This place is great, it’s such a rush. You’ll love it.” At least I would be able to show my feelings for him when I was on the TV. I went out to the arena and watched them set up for a bit then ran up and down the stairs about 70 times to run off some of the nervousness. The final announcement was made that the doors would be opened in about 10 minuets and that everyone should be in the back. I walked to the back and found the women’s locker room. I passed a few wrestlers on the way and to say that I was star struck would have been an understatement. I heard the pyros go off for the start and turned the locker room TV on. I was the only one in there for the time being. We had recorded a segment in the back where Steph was showing me around at the beginning of the show; it went something like this… “Well this is about it and later I’ll take you out and introduce you to the fans.” “Great.” Triple H walks up to us and Steph says: “Oh, and this is off limits.” I laugh but look at him intently. During the shoot I was able to show my true feelings for him and I was relieved. However, I realized that I would need to calm down because he could tell. We walked out the curtain to Steph’s theme and a pretty big pop. She introduced me as her younger sister who was trying to get into the business and that she would be helping. Later that night, right as the show was going off the air you saw a clip of Josh walking to Triple H’s room for and interview after his match. But when Josh opened the door you saw Hunter and I in a deep kiss. Hunter and I were really kissing too. I was never sure if the people who were kissing were actually kissing but Hunter and I were. After the shoot was done Steph went to find her dad and told Hunter to take me back to the hotel. When she was gone Hunter turned me around and said: “hey, I can see it, don’t lie, you like me. I can’t believe it, you really do. Hun I’m taken and Steph would rip your throat out. But, that kiss was great, we both meant it. She would never need to know, and I could get you far in this business, Vince likes me. He will do what ever I tell him. I can make your every dream come true. And it’s not like you don’t want it.” I could not believe it. He was asking me to betray Stephanie, to betray the boss’s daughter, the first night. I knew I had no choice but I didn’t want to betray anyone. “Hunter, I don’t think that is a good idea.” “Well you think about it. It is gonna be hard for you to do this story line, ‘cause even if you don’t want to sleep with me you will have to kiss me some more for the show. And I know you love it. Just think about it.” I was shaking by this point. I was having second thoughts because this was how Brett, my boyfriend, acted before he got mean and forced me to have sex with him. I was scared and jumped when there was a knock on the door. “Come in”, Hunter said in a normal voice. It was Shawn Michaels. This was my all time favorite wrestler. He walked in with no shirt and hugged Hunter, who had turned normal like nothing happened. Shawn then turned to me and said: “I have heard a good bit about you. You’ll make it. Just have fun with it. And don’t let this ass get to you.” He said as he playfully hit Hunter. I just looked at him and laughed dryly. He had already gotten to me. I wanted him so bad. I could not make up my mind. I thanked Shawn and walked out and told Hunter that I would not be needing an escort back to the hotel. As I walked out I herd Shawn ask why I was so tense and Hunter told him I was just nervous. I walked into my hotel room, changed and passed out on my bed. Late in the night I felt something sink into my bed and went to sit up to see what it was. As I sat up I was pulled back down. “It’s just me honey, don’t worry. I hope you made the choice to take my offer. I need you, and you want me. I promise I will make it worth your time. Just give in you know you want it. If you walk out on me again you will regret it and never get the opportunity back. And no, I would not make Vince get rid of you right away, no, I want you to experience all this business has and when you have forgotten all about this night, and when you last expect it I’ll come back to haunt you and like I have said you will regret it.” I was laying with my back to him, my eyes shut and hoping he would not make me do it. But I knew he was telling the truth, that he would torture me the rest of my life. He began kissing the back of my neck, it felt so good and I did not want to stop him, yet I knew I should. His mouth and hands began to move all over my body and I gave into the moment, knowing that no matter what I did I would regret it. But this was so much easer and felt so good. “Good girl, I knew you would.” He said in a whisper. After we were done we laid on the bed for what seemed like forever when finally he spoke. “Well, thank you. I knew you would do the right thing. I told you I would make it worth your time, and I think I did. Now I’m going to leave and you are not going to tell any one… right. If even one word of this gets out I will destroy you. I have a good life and you will not take that from me.” I had no clue how we were going to continue with our story line now that we had done this. It felt so good; he was so gentle and kind. I had no idea how I would pretend to fake no emotion when she was around. I would be able to show emotion when the camera was on but I didn’t know how I would keep from showing it when she was right there. I would just have to avoid them. The biggest problem was that I enjoyed it so much and wanted more. I didn’t want him to stop or leave. And if he would ask for it again I would surly give it to him. When he left I felt empty, no man had ever made me feel that way.

CHAPTER 4 The next week we were back in Texas. I had so much that I would need to take care of now that I was home again. I was about to walk into the arena when I remembered the night I had with Hunter. I had been so busy that I had completely forgotten about it until I touched the door. I had been keeping myself busy to forget it and so far it had worked but now I would have to face him again and kiss him again. I almost broke down now that I allowed myself to think about it but Shawn walked up behind me and began laughing. “You still look scared. Normally after their first show they are ok, they can at least walk into the building.” He said with a laugh. At any other time I would have been happy to enter the arena with this man but today I was just outright scared. I wanted to tell someone, maybe Shawn, could I trust him. Even if I could, I was the new girl he probably would not believe me. “Why don’t you come on in, I’ll walk you to your dressing room.” I looked into his eyes, something I don’t normally do with men, and saw the gentle sprit behind them. His accent was so inviting, I was in a trance, both with not knowing what to do about Hunter and with having Shawn Michaels right in front of me asking to walk me to my dressing room. I decided to follow him. As we walked in people hugged him and greeted him. We passed the match board to see what was in line for the night and then we were at the women’s dressing room. I had calmed down a bit after getting changed and I decided to walk down to wardrobe to see if my outfit had been finished yet. I walked past Vince’s open door and heard Steph call my name. I turned and went in. She looked happy, a good sign, she didn’t know. “Hey you ready for tonight, our taping is coming up soon. And it looked like you and Hunter were getting a little close on that kiss last week, slow it down… he is mine!” She laughed playfully. I however, did not find the humor in this, if she only knew how close, yet I found myself laughing. I thought I was faking it pretty well. Shawn was the only one who saw something wrong and he thought it was just stage fright. I finished my walk to wardrobe and picked up my outfit. It looked great, even better than it did on paper. I wasn’t all too excited about it when it was on the paper but now I could not wait to wear it. Still I decided to wait till the next week. I continued to walk back to the dressing room when I bumped into Shawn again. “You are looking better.” “Yeah, I am feeling better too a few this just finally caught up with me, but now I’m good and thanks.” I put my things in my bag and left again for our taping. Steph would have me come to her match against Lita who would lie to the ref and say I interfered and I would get sent to the back where Hunter would be waiting for me. We would go off kissing and, but this time it would show on the big titan tron and Steph would see causing her to loose her title. She would be running to the back crying as the show went off the air. We did a great segment and Steph was so proud of it. Hunter, surprisingly did not do anything but his part. I was surprised but it allowed me to calm down a bit. This was good because I would need to go take care of things at my apartment the next day and did not need to have him on my back too.

CHAPTER 5 I got up early the next day and left for my apartment. I had not been there in over a month, so much had happened with me. Anyway, I had decided that it was time that I close the book on this chapter of my life and start over, maybe in another state, maybe go back home. I was not sure what I was going to do or where I was going to go but I had enough money to stay in a hotel until I could decide. I got to my apartment to find it a mess with Brett sleeping in our bed. This was normal, he would get drunk and have some of his friends over, beat me up, and trash the place, I would leave to let him cool down a bit then come home and clean it up. Many times I would have to go to the hospital saying I fell to get fixed up. I knew they could tell I was lying but I could not get him in trouble because he would hurt me even worse. And for the most part there were only bruises. Only once did he break one of my bones, and it was my fault, I asked for it by asking him to stop forcing me to have sex with him. My friends told me to get away from him but I couldn’t because he loved me. I wanted the attention so bad that I was willing to put up with a few bruises. I picked up a few things and threw some of the dishes into the sink; I would do them in a bit. I needed to grab a few things first. I had hoped that he was plastered enough to not hear me and I could get out clean again. I was not this lucky. As I walked past him to the closet he grabbed my leg and I fell to the ground hitting my head on the dresser. It hurt but this was something I was used to. “Just where in the hell have you been?” he managed to slur out. He reeked of alcohol and was plastered out of his mind. He managed to stumble out of the bed to his feet. “I’m sorry honey, I went to that WWE meeting, I got a job with them and had to go right on the road.” “That’s bullshit, stop lying.” He slapped me hard across the face. My head fell to the side and I was dizzy for a moment. “I’m sorry, I should have called.” “Your damn right you should have, I have told you that.” This time his right fist connected with my jaw line. “I’m really sorry honey, I was really busy, but I came back.” I went to hug him. He pushed me back hard against the shelf and a few books fell. One of the shelves connected with my rib and lower back knocking the wind out of me. “I’m sick of your shit, you don’t respect me. You should have stayed out because now I’m pissed. And you’re going to sit here and take it because you always have and you deserve it, maybe you will learn this time you stupid bitch.” He walked over to me and slapped me across the other side of my face then shoved me toward the bed and pushed me onto it. I fell hitting my head on one of the beer bottles breaking it. “Please, don’t.” “SHUT UP.” He said hitting me again and proceeded on to rape me. He was so rough when he did it. Forcing the girl turned him on. And he was so drunk, he reeked and it was hard to breath because of the smell of his hot breath on me. He finished, picked me up and threw me onto the kitchen floor then threw a dish at me where it shattered when it hit the floor. He grabbed another beer from the fridge and went back into the bedroom. I sat on the floor crying. A while later I got up, got some clothes on, and did the dishes. When I was done I looked at myself in the mirror and began to cry again. Why did I always allow him to do this. I left and got in the car, I straightened my self enough to drive and left. I decided then and there that I would not return. As I was driving I had no destination in mind, I really had no where to go anyway. I soon found myself standing in front of the door to the only person I knew to turn to… Hunter. I stood in front of his door and knocked, he answered with his hair wet and his lower body wrapped in a towel, obviously just out of the shower. I looked past him to see no one. I looked into his eyes and fainted, he just barley caught me. He had a very confused look in his eyes the minute he saw me and God knows what he was thinking when I fainted into his arms. I cam to a few minuets later and saw him standing above me with worry in his eyes, something I had never seen. I had so many thoughts running through my head but the only ones I could sort through were the ones of my surroundings and Hunter. I was lying on a bed, and he was standing above me. He broke the silence, “What the hell happened to you, oh my god, are you ok. Let’s get you to a hospital.” “NO, I’m ok.” I tried to sit up and fell over dizzy. He tried to hug me and I freaked out, “don’t touch me.” “OK, OK, what happened?” He backed off a bit. “I don’t wanna talk about it, just, come hold me, please, don’t let him hurt me again, please just don’t leave.” I broke down crying again. He came over to the bed sat down and cradled me. “Shhhh, don’t worry, I’m here. Who did this to you? You need to get some help, I don’t know how badly injured you are. Please let me take you to the hospital.” I continued to cry not answering anything he said. I listened to his heart beat against his chest and paid close attention to his rocking. It was calming getting my mind off all of it. I soon fell asleep in his arms, but not for long. I began having nightmares about what happened. The one that bothered me most was one of Brett killing Hunter; I woke right up from it screaming. Hunter was right to my side. He had obviously not gone to sleep, he had sweat pants on now but his hair was still down and still a bit damp. I could tell that he was confused as to what to do. “I swear honey, as soon as you tell me who did this I can help, and promise that he will never hurt you again. I am not going to force you to do anything but, you need to understand that you can not possibly be thinking right and I don’t know what to do either, I have no clue what the right thing is to do here.” I heard every word that he said but could not respond intelligently, all I could say was: “please hold me and don’t let go.” He turned out the light and crawled into the bed beside me and put his arms around me. They were so heavy, I felt save and did not have anymore nightmares that night. When I woke up I was still in his arms and he was sleeping. There was a knock at the door and I jumped and began to cry again. I thought for sure it was Brett coming to get me. “Hold on,” Hunter yelled a bit groggy. He calmed me down and walked over to the door. He walked out and saw his best friend Shawn. “Shawn, man, someone hurt her. I dono who or why but someone beat her up real bad, and I think they raped her too. I don’t know what to do.” “What?” Shawn asked confused. “I don’t know, she showed up at my door last night and fainted into my arms, when I went to hug her she freaked, but when I walked away she begged me to hold her and not let go. She has nightmares unless I hold onto her. And she started to cry when you knocked. I really have no clue what to do here. Why did she pick me to be her safety. My god it’s a good thing Steph had to leave early. What should I do?” Shawn did not know how to act Hunter was never this confused or worried. “Hunter, if she was raped you need to try to get her to decide to go to the hospital, don’t force her to do anything, let her make all of the decisions but try to get her to go. She has been forced enough and she needs to figure out what she needs. All you can do is be there for her. As far as why you, I don’t know but you need to stay with her if she came to you. Screw Steph, Jessica NEEDS you right now.” “I don’t know if I can do this man. I don’t know what is right. They really gave it to her. She is covered in bruises and she is favoring her wrist. I know she is hurt pretty bad.” “Well you just need to be there, I don’t know if this has anything to do with it but her car is scraped up a good bit on the passengers side, I saw it this morning and just realized it is hers, if you want I can go see if there are any clues in there.” “Yeah, thanks.” Hunter said then walked back in the hotel to find me in another nightmare. He shook me awake and cradled me again. He tried again to get me to go to the hospital or do or say anything. Again I could only ask him to hold me. After a bit he asked if I wanted any food and I said no. The first question I answered. I had no clue why I said no because I was starving. He said ok then called Shawn and told him to go pick up some burgers somewhere. I sat up, still dizzy, and began to look at my body. My arms had a few bumps and bruises, my wrist the worst. I walked to the bathroom, Hunter’s eyes following me, and looked in the mirror at my face. I had a black eye, a swollen lip, a purpling hand print on my right side and it hurt to move my mouth. Though I looked in the mirror the other night this was the first time I saw the marks, this was also the first time I felt any pain. Not only was it my face and wrist but my whole lower body ached and burned. Hunter sat on the bed the entire time watching me note every mark, every pain. He was about to cry and could do nothing for me. I walked out. “Brett.” I said in a faint whisper. “Is that who did this to you?” He asked. “Yeah, my boyfriend, I didn’t call him to tell him I would be late. It’s all my fault. I deserved this. I should go see if he still wants me and tell him I’m sorry.” I said as I tried to put my coat on. Hunter got a furious look on his face and stood up trying not to sound mean “No way. This is not your fault, you did nothing to deserve this, no one could do anything to deserve this. You can’t go back to him; he will just keep hurting you. He does not deserve you. You are too good. Please let me take care of you. I don’t want to see you hurt again.” I looked at him and saw the fear, pain, confusion, worry, and wonder in his eyes. I was still struggling with my coat because of the bruises and said “no really, I should have called to tell him. I just left him last night. He just gets drunk and gets a bit rough. I’m ok, really. I should go back and clean up after last night. I know he did not mean to do this. He gets rough but I’m ok I’ll heal. Please tell Vince that wrestling and I are just not working out and that if he calls I will arrange something to pay him pack.” Hunter looked at me, I finally got my coat on and was looking for my keys then my eyes met his, he was crying. “Please, don’t leave. You will get hurt again. I don’t know how to tell you that he will never change and that you don’t deserve this. Just please don’t go. This is your dream. I can’t believe I treated you so bad your first night. I am really sorry but please know that I will never treat anyone like that again. You have the right to hate me but please don’t go back to him. Go to Shawn, he is a good man, he will take good care of you if you don’t want to be with me but please do not go back to Brett.” “I don’t know what to do Hunter. I have forgiven you for that night, but I have no where to go. You have Stephanie, Shawn has Rebecca and a family I can’t go to him. My only choice is to go back to Brett. I will heal and get better, I will talk to him and things will be good again for a while. Please don’t worry about me, I’m not worth it.” I could not find my keys though I was still looking and wondering if I maybe left them in the car. “Jessica, please, I can’t say it enough, you are worth it, you don’t deserve it, you can’t go back to him, one of these days he will end up killing you. Please stay here where you are safe, you will never be hurt here, I’ll be sure of it. After searching for about fifteen minuets I finally sank to the floor crying. I didn’t want to go back to Brett I knew I’d be hurt again but I felt I deserved it and had no where else to go. Hunter walked over and joined me on the floor; he was also crying. “Please stay, I beg you. I can’t possibly want anything more.” We sat like this until I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later on the bed. Hunter was eating and saw me waking up. I still layed on the bed but he could tell I was awake. “Do you want some food?” He asked. The pure thought of food made me nauseous and I declined. He frowned, “honey, you need to eat.” “No really I’m really good.” He walked over to me, “What can I do for you?” “Nothing, I don’t know what to do.” “Well you need to go to the hospital, even if you lie to them about how it happened, blame it on me, I don’t care but you need to make sure you are ok.” “OK, I’ll go.” “Good, let me get a shirt on.” He finished getting dressed and took me to his car. We passed my car on the way and it was all scraped up on the driver’s side and I could not remember how it happened. He opened my door and helped me in then walked around to the driver side and got in himself. He started the car and we were off.

CHAPTER 6 We arrived at the hospital about fifteen minuets later and he walked me in. We got a few odd looks while he was signing me in and I knew people though he did it and I felt bad. He filled out most of the paper work asking me questions and writing the answer down. I could barely think about the questions, the place seemed so loud and it felt like every eye was on us. They called my name and I walked into the room with Hunter behind me. The doctor told him to leave and he did. The minute he left it felt like I could not breath and I started to panic. “Bring him back, please.” “Ma’am I’m sorry I can’t do that. Could you please tell me what happened?” “No.” The doctor looked at me then walked out. In the waiting room… The doctor walked up to Hunter. “What the fuck, you ass.” He shoved Hunter into the wall. Hunter looked at him hurt in his eyes wondering if I said that he did it. “I swear man, its men like you that make me sick. How could you treat a woman like that. That’s right, don’t say anything, because you will just did yourself deeper.” He walked away and Hunter sat down putting his head in his hands and began to sob to himself again. He began to get an idea in his head. Back in the examine room… A nurse walked in and asked me what happened, I told her the same thing. She asked if I minded her doing some tests. She seemed really nice but I was not going to tell anyone anything, I did not know if Hunter was still here and I did not feel safe. I told her that I didn’t mind test but that no one was going to get any information from me. She looked at my arms and shook her head, “I really wish you would tell me who did this.” I just looked down. She took some blood tests and ordered a rape kit and some x-rays. The entire time I sat with my head down not responding to a thing anyone said. “Well honey, the x-rays came out and you’re wrist is sprained and the rape test proved that you were raped. Now you won’t tell us anything so all we can do is give you some information on who to call if you decide to turn the ass in, we will also cast your wrist. I’m really sorry this happened to you and I wish I could do more for you.” I began to cry again and she came to hug me but I pushed her back. She walked out and came back to wrap my wrist. “You are good to go but I have one thing left to tell you, the longer you wait to turn him in the further he will get and the more people he will hurt.” I kept my head down and walked out. I walked right into Hunter’s waiting arms and began crying and shaking uncontrollably. We walked out and drove back to the hotel. He carried me to our room and lay down with me on the bed. Both of us were crying by now. Hunter left in the middle of the night and walked out to his car. “Hey man where you goin?” It was his friend Shawn. “I’m gonna kill him.” Hunter said in a far away tone. “What, who?” “Brett.” “Who is Brett?” “Her boyfriend, he hurt her and raped her and I got her to go to the hospital but they think I did it. I would never hurt her like that and I’m gonna kill him cause he don’t deserve to live. From what she had said this is not the only time he has pulled this shit. I have to stop him. He hurt my girl. Man I’m gonna kill him as soon as I find him.” “Hunter calm down. Killing him won’t solve anything. You will just get in trouble. You need to stay with her. And anyway you don’t know where he is.” “I don’t give a shit about getting in trouble as long as he ain’t able to hurt her again. I looked at her license I know where she lives. I’m gonna find him or wait there till he comes home then he is dead.” “Did you ever think of what Jessica might feel about this? If you hurt him or kill him and she finds out she might hate you or be afraid of you. You need to think if her too.” “Well I don’t know what to do, I don’t like being helpless. The doctor shoved me up against the wall and accused me of doing it to her. I can’t just sit back and do nothing for her, I need to get my hands on him.” “Hunter, you are doing all you can. Just go back to your room and sleep some of your anger off.” “I’m sorry Shawn I need to at least go look for him. Maybe scare him some. Can you watch over her?” “Hunter please, just stay here.” “I can’t Shawn, thanks but maybe I will just drive around a bit but I can’t just stay here.” He walked to his car got in and sped away leaving Shawn shaking his head. A bit later he was sitting in the parking lot of her apartment. He got out of his car and looked up at her apartment and wondered if he should go in or just go back to the hotel. He slowly walked up the stairs and to her door. There was not a noise coming from inside; not a light was on. He tested the handle, it popped right open. He walked into her kitchen and saw the dish broken on the floor along with a few beer bottles. He shook his head and continued on to the living room. It had beer bottles on the floor along with a few articles of clothing. He continued to the door he knew was to their room. He opened it and saw him passed out on the bed. Hunter stood there frozen, trying to decide what to do. He took a deep breath and walked in, being as quiet as he could. He stood above the bed looking at Brett, the man who hurt her. He could feel the rage going out of control in him. “You hurt her.” He whispered and got no response. “Wake the fuck up you ass. Come on big boy, you think you’re so good, get up and try to push me around you bastard.” He said angry. Brett sat up. “Who the hell are you?” He asked. “My name is Hunter, I’m a professional wrestler.” “What the fuck?” Hunter grabbed him around the neck and held him against the wall. He slapped him across the face with his free hand and said; “If you ever touch her again I will kill you. And don’t even think of going to the authorities ‘cause you will not win.” He slapped him again, harder. “I mean it, do you understand, I will kill you. You are lucky that I didn’t kill you tonight, but I don’t want to have her scared of me. She came to me and the minuet I saw her I promised to kill whoever did it.” He dropped Brett to the floor and kicked him hard in the ribs and heard a crack. He then punched him in the jaw. “Like how it feels?” He continued to hit and kick him until his head began to bleed a bit. He grabbed one of the beer bottles and threw it at him. “If I ever see you again I will kill you, so I suggest you stay far away.” Brett sat on the floor shaking and bleeding and crying. Bruises began to show on his face. “I suggest you get your pitiful self some help and drop the drinking.” Hunter said as he walked out of the room slamming the door. On his way down the stairs he started to cool down a bit. His cell phone rang, it was Shawn. “Hunter you need to get back here she is asking for you and she is starting to panic.” “Tell her I’m on my way.” Hunter flipped his cell shut and ran to his car racing out of the lot back to the hotel. He walked into the hotel room and ran to her holding her telling her it was ok that he was there and was never going to leave. She fell asleep in his arms again and he went to get something to wrap up his fist. It was killing him and was swollen. He found gauze in the bathroom then took another shower and wrapped his hand. He called some room service for what he though she would like and put some ice on his hand. By this time I woke up. “What happened to you?” I asked noticing his hand. “I went to the weight room and took out some aggression on the bunching bag, I’m fine though.” He lied. I sat up and asked if I could take a shower. “I don’t care but I just got out you might want to wait till the water builds up again. You could go to Shawn’s if you want, but I ordered some food, do you think you can eat.” “Maybe. I can try.” We ate then I took a shower. While I was in the shower I decided that I would not get over this fast but that I was going to try and that I should leave to let Hunter to his life. I finished and got out and got dressed. I walked back into the main room “Hunter, I want to thank you for doing all of this for me but I have really been a burden on you and I think it is time I leave and try to get my life straightened out.” He looked at me trying to decide if I was ok or if I was thinking it was my fault again, “No, you have not been a burden. Jess, I am going to tell you something and maybe I shouldn’t but, I love you and want you to stay here.” I looked at him shocked. “I fell in love with you the moment I saw you in that bar. I know you have, or had, some feelings for me too because I could see it in your eyes. The minuet you showed up at my door I decided that I would do whatever it takes to keep you safe. I want to be with you.” I was so shocked, why was he telling me this, it was cruel because he was taken, and I did have feelings for him but there is no way I would have taken him from Steph. “What about Stephanie?” I asked. “I will talk to her and work things out. I don’t love her as much as I love you. I would not put my own life on the line for her. Ask Shawn. If there is anyone who knows that it’s him.” I ran over to him and collapsed into his chest “I love you too and want to be with you too.” “Shhh baby, we will make it happen.” Hunter and I just sat around watching TV for the rest of the day. A few hours later he got a call from the office and was told his schedule. About ten minuets later I got a call on my cell too and got the same information. We compared our schedule and were going every where the same time because we were still doing our storyline. “Hunter, how am I going to do this?” I asked. “I am all bruised up and look like shit. Not only that, but I don’t know if I could handle being there right now. If anyone but you would touch me I would freak. I think it is too soon.” “Well, I don’t know how Vince would handle that, especially since you didn’t file a report against that ass. I think you can handle it, I will be right there. No one will touch you, I will break them. You need to get your mind off of that night anyway and you need to get your life back on track.” I knew he was right and I wanted to go back so bad. I could finally have something normal again.

CHAPTER 7 The next day we left for the arena. Hunter and I had seats on the plane with Shawn; Hunter asked Shawn if I could stay in his locker room until he told Steph. “Sure, I’ll take good care of her.” Shawn said. Shawn was a nice guy and I knew he would not hurt me but I was afraid to be near any guy but Hunter. We continued our ride in silence. About 3 hours later we touched ground and got off the plane. My face was clearing up a bit and I was not as sore. We all got into Hunters rental and headed toward the hotel. Once we walked into the hotel Hunter met up with Steph and walked up to her, and hugged and kissed her. I could not look at her. I felt so bad for doing this to her, but I loved him and he loved me. I felt even worse that she didn’t have a clue. Shawn and I went to get his key and left Hunter with Steph. “So, you love him?” Shawn asked sounding amused. “Yeah.” I answered sounding shy. “He is a good guy; he will take good care of you. You will never need anything as long as you are with him. I feel I have known him all my life and I know him better than he does so I know that he truly does love you too. Personally I don’t know why he even married Steph, she is so controlling. I probably should not tell you this but he came to me the night you came to him, he was so confused. I guess you looked really bad and he was scared. I don’t know much but I know he loves you.” I just shook my head yes, feeling a little embarrassed. Later that day I decided to go to the hotel’s weight room to work off some energy. Shawn went to see if he could find Hunter. I grabbed my I pod and turned it up full blast leaving the real world behind. I was going to get over this my own way. I had every other time. And, believe me, this was not the first time he did this to me, it was the worst one ever, but not the first. With Shawn and Hunter… “So should I tell the cops you were with me the whole time?” Shawn laughed. Hunter was sitting across from him in the hotel bar. “Yeah.” He joked and laughed. “No, I just scared him some. Told him to stay the hell away from her. Banged him up a little. He is lucky, he deserved so much more. He is lucky I love her and can control myself. The minuet I saw him laying on that bed I lost it. All I could see was red.” Hunter got angry thinking about it. “Well I’m glad, do you think he will go to anyone?” “No, he is a pussy, the minuet I touched him he started to shake. He sure as hell can give it but he can’t take it. He is lucky I didn’t ram him up the ass, see how he liked it.” Shawn laughed. They both ordered a drink and began talking about Steph. “So are you going to break it off with Steph?” Shawn asked after taking a sip. “Yeah, but I don’t know how. I don’t want to hurt her either.” Hunter began to drink his own. “I think you should just come right out with it, don’t keep her waiting. And don’t let her catch you with Jessica, don’t let her find out that way. And you better do it soon, you know how fast things get spread around this place.” “I know.” He finished his drink. “Where did Jess go?” “To the gym, she wanted to escape, that’s what she said. She put on headphones and walked out.” Hunter excused himself and went to the gym to find her. Back in the gym… I was working on a few different machines and having a good time, just leaving the real world out of my mind. I would go to a machine and begin working then close my eyes and get lost. I had my headphones on full blast while I was on the treadmill; a song called Overburdened by Disturbed came on… “Fate is so unkind Now I should have known Blind in the light Weeping myself of soul If it all amounts to nothing Then why Why am I standing in this line Hell is still overburdened I must stand and wait in line I may never know for certain when will be my time How was I considered evil? Pleasures taken in this life Someone granted me reprieval Decades spent in strife.” I sang along in my head, I felt someone tapping my shoulder, I opened my eyes and saw Hunter standing there. “You ok?” He asked. “Yeah, this is my escape, I love doing this. Have you talked to Steph yet?” “No, but I asked Shawn when he thought I should do it and he thinks the sooner the better.” “I have to agree with him, I’m a woman and would not want to be left in the dark or find out from someone else.” “I know. Shawn is changing and on his way, I’m gonna go change too and join ya.” “OK, see you then, bye.” I continued and returned to my music, eyes closed. Shawn and Hunter showed up a few minuets later and began on their own machines. I changed to the stair climber and continued. About two hours later I was exhausted and hungry; for the first time I wanted food. I told Hunter I was going to get a shower and then to the bar for something to eat. He told Shawn to meet me in the bar and that he was going to go for a jog. I went to shower then met Shawn in the bar; we both ordered the garden salad with water. After we ate I followed him to his room and sat and read my new book. After a while of that I looked over my schedule. I would need to be at the arena early to talk to Vince about my situation and see what he says.

Chapter 8 Later that night Hunter showed up at Shawn’s door and asked to come in. Shawn and I were up watching a movie and told him to come in. He sat watching with us for a while then asked me to come with him. I asked where we were going and he said I would know when we got there. We walked out of the hotel, it was dark and warm. A slight breeze was blowing but not enough to make it cold. No one was out and there was no traffic; it was just very quiet, very calming. We walked for a while and came up on a beech. We took our shoes off and rolled our pants up and walked along the water’s edge. The water was warm and felt good on our feet. We walked along, me leaning against him, in silence. Neither of us talked until about an hour later when we decided to walk back to the hotel. We got back and went to our rooms. With Hunter and Stephanie Hunter slid the room key into its slot and heard the door click. He opened the door as quiet as he could, so he would not wake Steph. He walked in and began to take off his shirt, “Where were you?” Steph was already awake and had been since just after he left. “I took a walk along the beech, I can’t sleep tonight.” He answered nervous. “Hunter, you have not been yourself lately, you won’t talk to me, what’s going on with you?” She knew something was up. “Well I’m glad you brought it up. I don’t know where to start. Well, (he went to sit on the bed close to her) I am seeing someone else. Now before you say anything, I know it’s wrong but I don’t think you and I were ever meant for each other, I mean we would have just used each other. I can’t stand that I have hurt you but please, I think it is for the better that we separate. I will pay for everything and I am so sorry that it had to end this way.” He was looking right into her eyes the whole time. He saw the pain and the madness. He looked away after a moment and stared at the floor ashamed at himself that he let this happen. Stephanie began to scream and cry at the same time, “I can’t believe you, you bastard, how could you do this to me. I though you loved me. I hope she makes you happy, she can never give you the advantage with the boss that I could have, you are so screwed. I am going to have you fired over this. I hope you’re happy.” She more cried the last few words, they were hard to understand but he understood them. She grabbed her things and walked out slamming the door. He fell over on the bed with his hands on his face, just thinking. About an hour later hunter left too. He walked to Shawn’s room and knocked on the door. After a few knocks a groggy Shawn opened the door roughly.” “It is 4 in the morning, what the heck could you possibly want?” Shawn was upset after being waken but Hunter just pushed past him “I told Steph everything.” Hunter said quietly. “Oh man,” Shawn said waking up fully. “All I want is my girl.” “Haven’t you had enough of her? How did Steph take it?” Shawn asked. “Not good, but better than I thought she would, lots of threats, typical for her, and I can’t blame her one bit. But it is over now, and I can stop hiding the one I love.” Hunter looked over to the bed, she was sleeping peacefully, never even woke up. He picked her up and took her to his room, laid her on the bed and crawled in beside her. He stroked her face and fell asleep looking at her. At nine the next morning Shawn showed up and Hunter’s door with my stuff. I was completely awake and Hunter was still asleep. He looked tired so I left him on the bed to sleep. Meanwhile Shawn and I talked and I asked him what I was doing in Hunters room. Shawn said that he was sure Hunter would tell me when he woke up. “Do you want something to eat?” I asked him. “Sure.” I grabbed Hunter’s car keys and left with Shawn. We went to a drive through and brought some food home. When we got back I woke Hunter up and we ate. After we ate we took turns showering and dressing then sat around talking. Shawn had left to take his shower and get ready himself. We were going to meet up and drive to the arena together. “Hunter, how did I get in here last night?” I asked. “Well, I told Stephanie all about us. She did not like it and I got many threats, mostly about her getting her dad to fire me, but she is all bluff. Vince knows better than to fire me.” “Oh, I’m sorry, this is my fault. I don’t want you to loose your job over me.” “I won’t, and don’t you worry about that. All that matters is you.” “Well, Hunter, if you loose your job, I’m quitting because that is too long to be away from each other, if I’m the only on the road.” “Well let’s not worry about that now; it has not become a problem yet.” We sat in silence for a while and then Shawn came back over and told us that we had better get moving if I want to be there in time to catch Vince.

Chapter 9 We walked into the arena about 4 hours before the event and you could feel the tension. We all knew it right away, God only knew how far the rumors had gone. People watched as we walked by and I felt sick. I would have to go see Vince about my current problem, but he would probably be mad as hell with me. Hunter and I found what would have been his and Steph’s locker room. We walked in and arranged our stuff and turned the radio on. After a bit, and once I calmed down, I left to find Vince. Normally you would have to search but today he was in his office, looking upset. I knocked and walked in when he said to. “Hi Vince. I’m back and doing well, but I still have some bruises and the doc said they would heal up in about another week. I just wanted to ask you what I should do since I have been out of the show for two weeks, should I wait?” He looked at me long and hard, like he could not think. I stood and waited for him to answer and after a while he did. “Jess, I have no clue what to tell you, I am having some family problems, Hunter broke up with Stephanie and she is pissed and wants me to fire him and the woman if she is a wrestler but I can’t do that. I would loose too much if I fired Hunter. And, not to mention, that no one knows who the other woman is yet. I can write you back in and get you some make up. But if you want someone to talk to go to creative.” “Ok, thanks.” I knew he was upset about Steph and Hunter but felt bad that I had caused it and he didn’t even know that I was the reason I was the reason. I walked out and found a guy from creative. “Hey, do you think you guys could write me back into the story lines, I’m doing much better and could get makeup for the bruises, but I think we should say that Steph did this.” The man looked at me for a minuet. “Sounds great, be in the filming room in about fifteen to film what happened.” We walked away and I went back to our dressing room to change. I went to catering first and sat with Chris Jericho for a while. “So, did you hear about Hunter and Stephanie yet?” Asked Chris. “Yeah, I heard some of it, but I’m getting different stories, what have you heard?” I asked hoping to find out what everyone thinks is going on. “Well, I heard that Hunter came in and pretty much to her to leave, that he never loved her. But no one knows who he dumped her for. I personally think it was stupid, he was in good with the boss, now he is shit out of luck.” Chris said sounding amused. “Yeah, that’s about what I have heard, I wonder who it was.” “I dono, but there are rumors that she is another wrestler. In fact some people are saying that it’s you; that they have seen you two together quite a bit since you got here.” I had no clue what to say to that, no matter how I acted I would look guilty, and I was but I did not want to look it. “Well thanks, I just wanted to see if I clear up what truly happened, I better be going now.” I said as I quickly got up and walked away; I knew that he knew it was me. I walked back to the locker room and told Hunter about it all and he just sat there. “Well, they will find out sooner rather than later that it is you so we might as well stop hiding it. This is really uncomfortable for me and I’m sure it is for you too. We will just come right out with it and not deny it and take whatever the consequences might hold for us.” He suggested. “I agree, I’m just scared that we may loose our jobs.” I said. “Don’t worry, if he fires us it will be the worse move he has made since the Montreal incident, we will just go down to Florida and join TNA. Vince will regret it for the rest of his life; do you realize what someone with the current star power like me could do with TNA, and how bad we could harm WWE? I don’t think we have to worry about our jobs, especially if I threaten that.” I thought about that for a second, it would work; Vince would have to keep us or give us to his competition. It would make things tense around here but we would not be loosing out. I agreed and calmed a bit then him and I walked out together. It was getting closer to show time so there were many more people walking around then when we came in. When we came in it was silent, you could just feel the tension, now there were people everywhere. Again I felt like every eye was on us, it started to get quiet and people just watched as we walked by, not daring to say a thing. I’m not sure if people quite understood what was going on, but you could just tell that they heard part of the rumors. We walked to the filming room where a man said that we were being waited for in the parking lot; that we were going to film the segment there. So we walked to the parking lot. I knew that Stephanie would be there, but I did not know if she knew it was me yet. I was afraid to find out what she would do when she found out, or if she would even realize when we got into the lot. We walked into the lot and over to Steph. She was talking to another man, the one that would be filming. She turned around and saw us. “Hi Jess, how are…” She got big eyes and came closer. “You fucking bitch, it’s you. It was a fucking storyline, why the hell did you take it for real. You had better stay away from me, I’m gonna fucking kill you, you little whore.” I stood there watching her. I knew she was hurt and that her threats did not mean much, but I was about to trust her to beat me up, I did not know if I could trust her to do it safely. “Steph, listen, I know what I did was wrong, but I’m not sorry for it, I know it hurt you, that I am sorry for. But Hunter and I love each other. That chapter of your life is over, get pissed, call names, and make threats all you want, but you need to get over it. We have a show to do, can I tryst you with my body, or are you going to hurt me for real, only a coward would do that.” She looked at me shocked, I could tell that she was not hurt by what Hunter did, but that she wanted revenge. “You can trust me. I’m not going to hurt you when we are doing business, but I can promise nothing when it’s just you and me.” I knew with a weird feeling that I could trust her. We began our segment. I was walking to my car and getting in when Steph came out of nowhere and attacked me. She threw me onto the ground and then into the car window I lay on the ground while she yelled at me. A few minutes later, Hunter came out with his bag looking ready to go. He dropped his bag to the ground and ran to my side when he saw me. He was yelling for help at the show would go off the air. I thought it was a good segment. It would explain my bruises and our absence while keeping with the story. It was perfect, I wished it did not have to happen the way it did though. Later that night when the segment showed it was perfect. The fans went silent then booed. With our feud we began getting great ratings again. Everyone wanted to see me destroy the annoying McMahon and take her man. They felt he deserved better and that I would be good for him. At the next week I would show up during one of her matches making her loose once again and would walk away once the bell rang. I would have a match myself then go to the back after basking her over the microphone. Later that night, when Hunter and I were leaving, we heard Stephanie and Vince arguing over whether to fire us or not. “Steph, I told you, I just can’t do it. It would mean the end of me. He would probably go to TNA anyway and I can’t risk that.” Vince said sounding stressed. “Well, he hurt me, and I want to hurt him. Aren’t you mad at him for what he did?” Steph asked trying to sound like she was about to cry. “Yes, but don’t you see the position that I am in. I have to do what is right for the business, I can not fight this one for you. I told you that I would not get involved if you went with one of the wrestlers. I can not just fire someone because they upset YOU. Everyone would be gone if I did that. I would love to help you, but I can’t.” “Fine, if you can’t help I will do it on my own.” She slammed out. Thankfully we were far enough that she did not see us, but we heard everything. “Well, this is about to get interesting.” I said. I was scared and anxious to see what she would do. Hunter and I drove home and showered then went to sleep. The next morning we woke up and left for the next city. This time we would be in Florida. Hunter had called Jeff (author note: Jeff Jarrett is the head of TNA, for those who do not know, good show) ahead of time to let him know that we would becoming to view the show and visit some friends and that if the word gout out it would be his ass trying to explain. Hunter and I enjoyed our time off by going to local organizations and seeing the talent. You could find some great guys out there, if you took the time to look around. One of our favorite ones was up in Pennsylvania. Far North Wrestling, a little organization that ran out of Pittsburgh but went to a shitty little town called Latrobe; however, they mostly visited Butler. Anyway, we enjoyed this place because of three people. T Rantula a big guy with the biker type image, tattoos and all, great guy in person, he had a lot of passion for the sport and loved what he did. Also was Kevin Grace, a small guy that loved to interfere with the audience. He had so much energy and he just clicked with everyone. At almost every show we went to there was this girl and her friend in front row. They interacted with every wrestler. They were about late teens and came to be know as Ashley and Lauryn. Then there was Phoenix (Beth Phoenix, I actually knew this one, all three actually, and she went simply as Phoenix then. I am so happy and can’t wait to see her on TV that will be so cool.). She was great. She could get in there and work either the women or the guys. She just did her thing and was good at it. Hunter and I suggested she take a trip to Ohio Valley Wrestling and talk to Al up there. She is now on the verge of a WWE contract through OVW. Hunter and I really enjoyed being at the TNA taping and it was great to see some old friends and the great talent.

CHAPTER 10 Our feud went on much the same until WrestleMania XXII where Steph and I had a non- sanctioned match. This simply meant that Vince would not be responsible for what ever happened to anyone involved, that this match would bee seen by fans but not by the books. I was a bit worried, even though she promised not to hurt me. Hunter also told me that I would not need to worry about her. He said that she is not patient and that if she wanted to do something, she would have done it by now. His talk, however, did not sooth my worries. WrestleMania The climb to WrestleMania was slow but fun. Adding heat to all of the matches is entertaining and seeing how everything unfolds is amazing. Hunter was the champion and the winner of the Royal Rumble was the Undertaker. I was excited about this match. Even though I was now a wrestler, I was still able to be a big fan, if not a bigger fan than before. I would not let Hunter tell me any of what was to happen during his match because I love when the two of them get into a ring together. I also loved to be surprised, and when you are a part of what goes on there is little surprise. The fact that Hunter and I were treated the same by administration seemed to calm my nerves a bit. I thought that because of what happened, we would be shunned and treated like crap. Even probably loose everything we worked for, including his title. Vince, however, told us, in a meeting with just the three of us, that he was not happy that it happened, or that he was put into this situation. He was pissed because he had to, once again, make the choice of business over family, and he hated doing it, however, he told us that he would be able to separate the two and that though he was not happy, he would treat us no different. This was going to be my first WrestleMania ever. I had always dreamed, as a child, just to go to one. Not necessarily be in a match, but just be there. But this was even better. It was my first and I was to win the title from Steph. Creative thought it would be cool to have me win it so I had something else to rub in her face. I would win and Hunter would come to the ring and we would kiss and all. It would be great. I was just overly excited. It was about two hours to show time and Vince called his usual meeting. It was late, which was weird, but he called it. We all sat around and listened to him say how good it would be and how much we would make. I had wondered during the meeting, how bad the business truly was doing. The numbers just did not look good. The meeting did not last long. There were few changes and no one had questions. We had all just gotten back from a week long tour of England and were tired and excited. You can not possibly imagine the feeling you have when you are standing in the arena when those pyros go off for WrestleMania. Hunter and I had snuck in where there were few people and watched the beginning of the show live. During the fireworks we kissed. It was just so amazing. We were so close. We stayed for the first half hour and watched the matches. It was great, once you go to a show live, seeing it on TV no longer appeals to you. You don’t miss them on TV but you crave that live show. I have been addicted to them since October 13th 2003 when I saw my first show live at the Mellon arena in Pittsburgh. It was such a great feeling. I went to every WWE show I could since then. Once I got my first car I put most of the miles on it by going to the events. I did not even move out of my mom’s house until I was twenty since I spent all of my money on tickets. After about a half an hour we realized that we should probably get back where we should be. We did not want to be seen, and we did not want to be looked for. Hunter’s match was to be last, while mine was to be 6th. I could not wait. The 4th match was on now and I was getting nervous. I was almost sick. When the match was over I was sick because I knew I only had about 15 minuets until my match. The fifth match of the night was about half way thought so Hunter walked me to gorilla. I paced for a bit then stood and watched the last few minuets on the screen. Finally the match was over and my music came on, Hunter kissed me and wished me luck, then I was on my way thought the curtain. The pop was ridicules. We had planned for me to be the bad guy but no matter what we could not get the fans to hate me. They love seeing Steph hurt too much to hate me for being the one who hurt her. When Steph came out she pretended to look hurt when they booed her. While I was in the ring I was thinking of how comical it was that the fans cheer me and I took Hunter from Steph, but the boo Edge when he took Lita from Matt, I just found it interesting. The ref took the belt then showed it to us then finally gave it away. He rang the bell and Steph and I locked up. Our match was to go about ten to fifteen minuets when I would end with Hunter’s pedigree. We finished our match and she walked to the back. Hunter came out and we celebrated with more pyros and kissing. We went to the back and to our dressing room where I showered and Hunter got ready for his match. Once I was done with my shower I went to walk around a bit. This was WrestleMania, I wanted to do it all. I had such a great time with the whole Fan Axxess tour and the Hall of Fame. I didn’t want it to ever end. For the first time, I knew what I wanted and I was happy. I soon walked past Steph who was talking to some of the tear down crew. She asked me to wait. “Jess, I just wanted to apologize for my actions, I was pissed before and should not have acted like that. I want you to know that as far as I am concerned, we are cool again.” She said once the people walked away. I was shocked. I had never seen her like this, I will admit that I don’t know her well but I have never seen nor heard of her acting like this. “Great, I’m sorry about how things happened. I never meant for this to happen.” “Don’t worry about it, its time we both move on with our lives.” I thanked her and continued walking, thinking about her. I saw the last match before Hunter’s coming to an end on one of the screens and ran to gorilla to wish him luck. I caught him right before his entrance started. He looked so great. I loved his entrance for the night. Once he was in place I snuck into the arena to watch. His match was great. He came out to a loud pop, we had become pretty popular. Their match was one of the longest, lasting about 45minets. But they are great in the ring together. I loved his match and once he won for the title I jumped the barrier and we once again celebrated. I had my title and there was a huge pyro display as WrestleMania 22 ended. After the show we went outside a signed some autographs and reeked some havoc. We loved being together. Even though we just got off the long tour the electricity the WrestleMania provides coursed through us and we knew we would not be sleeping that night. WrestleMania is a long week. It begins when we get into the town. There are parties, talk shows, signings, and the two big shows. The Hall Of Fame is always a blast. And after there is a party, everyone is expected to make a showing and are asked to stay as long as possible. Then after ‘Mania itself there is a huge party that starts about an hour after the show and goes all night. Most of the time it lasts late into the next morning and ends with most wrestlers passed out throughout the hotel. We book an entire hotel for these reasons. It was about 6 the next morning before Hunter and I stumbled into our room. We were a bit drunk and extremely tired. I knew that I had a great time and by how he was acting I knew he had a great time too. Lets just say we did not actually go to sleepy until about 8 that morning. It was just a great week. However, we knew we would be dead, and since we were both champions we decided we would sleep the whole day to get over our hang over and get some much needed sleep.

CHAPTER 11 I did not get back up until about 4 in the after noon the next day. I woke up stiff and with a bad headache. However, Hunter handled his alcohol well and was up about an hour before me. He ordered us a snack and some coffee. We planned to go to dinner before RAW. So I showered and got dressed. After I drank my coffee Hunter and I got ready to leave then went on our way. By the time we got out of our room most wrestlers were still sleeping and we just laughed. Some guys were up even after we went to bed, still drinking, I didn’t know how they did it. When we walked into the arena it was buzzing but you could tell that everyone was tired and hung over, some more than others. I had no clue how some of them planned to do the show that night. The RAW after WrestleMania is always buzzing. The fans mostly, most of them stayed up the whole night too then went to work early in the morning, I pitied them. The night went well. We did some great interviews. That is mainly what that RAW is for, everyone is just too tired and worn out to actually put on a good match, so we just in salt the crap out of everyone and brag about our winning. Like I said, it makes for a fun night and great interview segments. After that RAW everyone goes back to the hotel to sleep, some haven’t slept in days and need that time. The next day you are to be on your way to the next town to be in time. The weeks following WrestleMania begin to slow down for the year. Not much happens. There are title changes and ppvs and regular shows, but nothing amazing happens, normally. After about 5 months I lost my title to Steph again. I would win it back at the next ppv, but I never wanted to loose it. However, I thought our story line was getting dull. It had been over 6 months since it started and nothing had happened other then the title going back and forth. So I went to creative with my concerns. “Guys, don’t you think this is getting old? I mean nothing has happened since WrestleMania. We went full force in to this thing and now it’s crap, and the people are probably sick of it. Can’t we do something.” “Jessica, don’t worry, Steph came up with a great idea. We are going to bring in a guy from OVW named T Rantula, we’re going to say that he is your old boyfriend. Steph is going to pretend to like him to get to you… but everyone will know that she is doing it just to get to you. Her and I thought it would be a great idea. However, I’m not sure if we are going to have you and him get into it, I think we should, but we will see what happens.” I was shocked. They were bringing one of my favorite guys up to work with me. I loved the idea and could not wait. Two weeks later T Rantula came up and was more than happy and excited. We went to dinner and had a great time. I was so happy for him. It was Monday afternoon and we went to the arena early to tape some things and work out the kinks. I will have to admit it, Steph and T did not look good together, but it added to the belief that she was doing it to hurt me. We got all of our taping done faster than we thought we would. T just knew what to do in front of the camera and he was believable. We taped a spot where I was walking back from wardrobe and saw the two of them kissing. Hunter asked why I had stopped and I said “Steph, she is kissing my ex.” Hunter looked shocked and we walked away. Steph broke the kiss and started to laugh. That was to air the minuet RAW cam on the air. Once RAW started and we got loud boos toward Stephanie we loved the segment. It was just great. The fans loved it. At first they did not know what to think of it, then they began booing Stephanie, which is their favorite reaction toward her. We were not sure how the fans would react and we did not exactly know how we wanted them to react. We just wanted to add some wood to the fire. And we did. I was excited because within the next few weeks Steph and I would be having it out until it would be a inner gender tag match putting Hunter and I against her and T. I thought it would be great, and T was ecstatic, it would be his first ever ppv. Who better to have a match with than a big fan. On our way in to No Mercy we had a lot of heat on Stephanie. She was loving it. She loved playing the bad guy. I did too but the fans still cheered me. Our match at the ppv was great. We went about 25 minuets and did a lot of good stuff. We even went guy on girl. We did some high flying stuff too. It was said later that night that our match stole the show. It also set up a match between me and Steph at the next ppv.

CHAPTER 12 Two weeks had passed since our tag match at No Mercy. I had signings and TV shows all over the place setting up for my next match with Steph. About a week before our match Stephanie claimed she was pregnant. She refused to say whose it was or give any details. The minuet she said it I did not believe her. I, somehow, knew she was lying. So I called her on it. She said that she could not do the match because she was deciding weather or not to keep it and needed to protect it until the decision was made. Everyone was shocked, even her dad. No one knew what to do, and no one believed her. It was just to big of a coincidence that she became pregnant a week before she was to loose her title to me. Well needless to say her daddy called the match off. I was pissed. I thought this was ridicules. When I asked her what was going on she simply said, “I’m pregnant, and I can’t do the match. My doctor told me nothing physical.” “Well isn’t it continent that you get pregnant a week before you are to loose your pretty little title to me?” She looked at me then said, “You think I’m lying about this. Who would do something like that?” “You, I know you don’t like me and that’s fine, but this is business, I knew you were lying when you said we were cool.” She looked angry then walked away. I was so pissed. I knew she was lying. I went and told Hunter how I felt and he said that I should try to prove it. And I only had a week. Within the next few days I was able to call around and no hospital had records of her being there within the last three months. I knew right then that I had her. I went to Vince with the new information. I knew he would be pissed and probably not even believe me, but I had to try. When I brought up the subject and presented my information he did something that shocked me. He said, “I knew she was lying. I can’t believe my own daughter would do this to me. Well as a punishment she is either doing the match or forfeiting the title then I will give it to you. She needs to finally get over Hunter, he was never hers, she treats her men like crap. She needs to learn a lesson, no more nice daddy.” “Well thank you Mr. McMahon, I’m glad you did the right thing.” I was so shocked that he sided with me. I am glad but I knew Steph would be pissed, and I did not blame her. She was getting screwed but she put herself in this mess. I did the right thing a while ago and no longer have a problem with her if she would just grow the hell up. The next day I got a call from Vince and he said that everything was taken care of. He said the she broke down and admitted lying and that she was upset that I was taking everything from her. She also said that after I take her title she wants the story line to end. And Vince said he would pull something off. I was a little upset that she could not get over this and that it would end up ruining our story line. I thought we could do some really great things with it. But that is just too bad now. It would be over at the next ppv. It was her loss any way. Our match at Survivor Series finally came. It was a slow week to our match, ever since she pulled the baby crap. For some reason that really pissed me off. But that was the difference between me and her, I would be over it soon and she would still be boiling. The match was short and bad. She was pissed and I was too and neither of us wanted to be around the other so the match turned out pretty bad. The fans didn’t mind it much though, they were still pretty heavy into the story line, it was a shame. Well after I won the title they gave me the rest of the week off since there was no story line for me to be put in. I was nervous about this because there was nothing going for me other than having the title but I would just have to take it a little at a time.

CHAPTER 13 I spent my free time at Hunter’s. After what happened at my home in Texas I did not want to go back. He lived in a big house and I had a great time. He was still on the road so I was able to be alone for the first time since I came to the business. It was nice to finally be able to think for and by myself. Hunter also had a woman that lived there and took care of the place and his dog when he was not there. It was nice to not be completely alone, however I spent most of my time out by his lake with the dog. I swam a lot and read a good bit. It was just nice to be free. Hunter called every night and we spent about three hours talking. One night he told me that Vince came to him and said that they might be bringing back DX, which I was happy for but did not know how they would do it since half of the guys were in TNA. But Hunter told me that it would be him, Shawn, me and probably someone else but they were not sure yet. I was excited. I loved the old DX and hoped that we could be even half that great and fun. Wile I was at his place I went for my mandatory yearly physical. I hated doctors so much, but it was better since I did not know this one. He ran a bunch of tests and said he would call me back in the morning to let me know how they came out. I knew everything was fine so I did not worry. The next morning he called and asked for me to come to his office. I was a bit worried that he would not tell me the results over the phone; that is never a good thing. “Well Jess, everything came back great. You are perfectly healthy and so is your baby.” WHAT that’s all I could think. Then my mind went blank. I was shocked beyond belief. “Are you saying I’m pregnant?” “You did not know? You have been for about a month now.” “Oh wow, well thank you. I need to go now.” I walked out stunned. I could not even remember driving back to Hunter’s. Once I got to Hunter’s I became excited and called him. “Honey, the tests came back great. Everything is fine.” “Well we knew that honey.” “Well, he told me something we did not know.” “What is that?” “We are a month pregnant.” There was a long pause then, “oh my God, are you serious? This is great, we are going to be parents. How did we not know this? WOW.” I laughed. I ended up staying at his place for a little over two weeks instead of just one. They wanted to get me and Steph out of the minds of the fans so they could begin over again. By the time I was back on the road I was in need of the crowd again. I missed it, even though it was nice to be alone and able to think for a bit. I had cleared my head no quite a few issues in the time. They were saying that Hunter had a huge surprise for the next RAW. I checked the internet to see what people thought it might be. I could remember that as a teen I loved the internet wrestling community, I was on it for hours everyday. So I knew that it was still high on gossip. So I checked it out. Within minuets I had quite a few sites all saying different things as to what the surprise was. That made me feel good, because no one knew exactly what would happen and I hoped that they would be shocked. When Hunter went out and started talking he got booed. He was a heal, it was a good thing that they booed him. But then I walked out and got cheered. “Hunter, don’t you think it is time you make a change in your life. You and I have become very close and I think it is time we team up to make some changes in this company. We are both champions and have pretty good standing with management. What do you say?” We stood in the ring and looked at each other, “what kind of change were you thinking?” he asked. “Well, I had one in mind.” Then the lights went out. The fans got instantly quite and I smiled. About 2 minuets later we stood in the ring with Shawn and Batista wearing DX t-shirts. The lights came on and the old DX music hit and the crowd went nuts. It was amazing how bad these people wanted this. We all hugged gave evil grins and walked up the ramp. Vince had given us complete control over our segments, he just told us how much time we had and when we went on. We all had great creative ideas and used them all. At first it was slow because we were all changing character so we had to ride into that a little slow. But soon we were into everything. We were great. The fans loved it. And we loved the fans so we were always with them. Soaking them in the lots on their way home, faking autographs when they were coming in, and just messing with them, but they loved every minuet of it. Hunter and I even went as far as to have a DX wedding. It was one of the funniest things I have ever been part of. We made a total mockery of the traditional wedding. Then that night we got a little more serious and got married at a small church with very few people. Our real wedding was everything we wanted. We knew if we announced it everyone and their brother would be there and we did not want that. So we called a few people and that was who showed up. After we took everyone, including the pastor, out to a dinner at one of the cities finer restaurants. It was cozy. Our little group had the best time with our angles. Every wrestler wanted to do something with us because it made them popular. Fans came to see just us. We filled more seats and at one of the small arenas we had to turn people away at the ticket office. I was shocked that we were so popular. It was now August and we were finally coming back to Pennsylvania, where I grew up. I had gotten tickets for my best friend Ashley and her brother and their mother, and of course my mom and dad. I also got one for the guy that took me to my first event, Norm. My mom had sent me a copy of our local paper with me on the front page and a story about my childhood and what I had done with my life. It was awesome to see myself on the front of my paper. I also found out that the school that I hated and the one that never noticed me before sent home flyers about me coming to town. I was a little upset with their hypocorism but soon got over it. I realized that this was my chance to show them up and snub them. Pulling into the lot of the arena was a weird feeling. Seeing the building always put a fluttering feeling I’m my stomach, but now it meant so much more to me. The arena was dark and there was no one there. I had actually just walked up from our hotel, it was only about a block from the arena. I remembered the first time I took my friend to her first show and her and I chased John Cena from the arena to the hotel. I grinned at the memory. I had had some of the best times and memories here. I walked around the place then went a got Hunter’s car. He and I decided that I would go into Latrobe my self the first day, then that day after our RAW we would drive out together. It allowed for me to have time with my family and friends. I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment where my mom lived and walked up the stairs. Everyone was waiting for me when I walked in. They threw a huge party for me. We all had a blast then went to Eat ‘n Park to have dinner. We spent a lot of my teen years eating there. I had to leave in the morning to get back to the arena. By the time I got there all the trucks were that and the place was completely transformed from the night before. It is amazing how fast those guys work. Well, that nights RAW went great. Every one of my friends and family were in the front row and at the end of the show the four of us joined them and talked for a bit and laughed about old times. Then I took Ashley to the back with me and we spent the night together at the hotel. We stayed up most of the night talking and harassing the other wrestlers. They all thought we were cute thankfully. The next day the three of us drove back into Latrobe. Hunter laughed once he saw how small the place really was. I think he though I was kidding when I told him. I showed him around and we went everywhere. Vince had allowed us to stay for the week so I could have some fun, I told him it would be that only time, that I wanted to show Hunter around and he allowed us. I was so thankful for it. Hunter needed the break and I missed the place. By this time everyone knew about the baby and it was to happen any moment. Vince took me off of TV and told me to stay in PA with my family. However, Hunter had to go back for two weeks so they could write him off. I was happy to have the time off. I had been in a good bit of pain with the baby on its way and it was nice to finally get off the road. Hunter was nervous as hell being at work though, he called every few hours to see if I was still there or if it was time. Every time I told him that he did not need to worry for another two or three weeks. Still, he was the father and was worried; it felt good to be cared for so much.

CHAPTER 14 “Well, see, now you know all about your mother. She kept this thing wit her all the time. She was always writing in it and never put it down. When ever I asked what it was she said it was just a project. When she died I had to read it, it took me a while to gather up the guts to open it. I always felt that I would be violation her privacy but I needed to read it to have closure. Then once I did read it I decided that I would read it to you at some time, when the time was right.” Hunter said whipping a tear from his eye. “Wow, she seemed great. But you still never told me how she died.” Tessa said. “Well, you remember Stephanie right? Well she got a hold of your mom’s ex Brett. They came together and came up with a plan to hurt your mom. It was meant to hurt you and therefore hurt us and cause a fight so we would break up. But when he attacked her she fought hard to save you and ended up dying from blunt force trauma to the head and chest. I don’t believe that they were just trying to hurt you. They did too much damage to her. Anyway, the doctors did an emergency c- section to save you. You were born a month premature, and they did not think you would make it because Brett did a good bit of damage to you too. Well I stayed with you the entire two weeks and you survived. Everyone was amazed. I wanted to kill Brett and Steph, I still do. But I knew I would loose you and you would have no one, so I left them to the law. And the law pulled through for me. They are both in jail for live with one count of murder and one count of attempted murder, and no chance of bail.” “Wow. I don’t know what to say. Can I ask why you just brought this up now.” Tessa asked. “Well, since you were offered a contract it reminded me of this and the fact that I never explained to you how your mom died. A soon as I found out that I was the only one you had I quit and did not know what I would tell you about me. I did not want you getting into this business but I knew it was in your blood and that it would probably draw you to it eventually. I am so proud of you and I am not going to stop you from doing this. I understand it but I don’t like it. There is just too much heartache in this business. If I would have know how badly I would be hurt then I would have never gotten into this. On the other hand I met the love of my life, and I have you, and I would never trade that for anything.” Hunter began to cry. “Thank you dad. I really appreciate this. But like you said, it is drawing me to it and I need to do it. I am going to be hurt in life, why not get hurt when doing the thing I love. And now I will be expecting it. Thank you so much for telling me all of this.” Tessa too began to cry. They hugged and stayed that way for a long time. Then Tessa’s cell phone rang. “Hello?” She answered quietly. “Hey, your plane will be leaving for Pittsburgh Pennsylvania at about 9 in the morning tomorrow.” It was Shane, he had since taken over the business since his farther turned it over to him. “Thanks a lot Shane.” Tessa flipped the phone shut. “I need to go get packed. Will you take me to the airport tomorrow?” “Sure thing honey.” Hunter continued to cry long into the night and latterly passed out. The next morning he dropped her off at the airport at seven. He was really upset about it too, he was loosing the only thing he had left. On his way home he got his normal cup of coffee and bagel, and this morning the newspaper caught his eye, so he bought it. It read: “MURDERS RELEASED FROM LIVE SENTENCE ON UNEXPECTED BAIL- only twenty years after murdering his ex wife Brett Longstrone was released today on bail. Twenty years ago when he and his partner, World Wrestling Entertainment owner and chairman’s daughter, Stephanie McMahon were charged with one count each of murder and one count each of attempted murder, they were told that there was no possibility of bail on their case. WWE Women’s Champion at the time, Jessica Levesque and husband, WWE World Heavyweight Champion at the time Paul Levesque and their daughter Tessa Levesque were the victims of this crime. Jessica died while trying to protect her unborn baby in an attack by Brett and Stephanie. Tessa was born premature but survived. Her father quit wrestling and spent his life raising his daughter alone. Brett and Stephanie are said to have passed their new psychic test and completed all of their anger management classes along with all of the mandatory community work. Also Tessa signed a contract with WWE recently. Hunter was shocked. He drove home and cried some more. He then called Tessa and told her the news. She was also shocked but promised to keep her eye out. They hung up but could not shake the thought that Brett was after Tessa.


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