September 11

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On September 11th, 2001, the nation was brought under attack by a terrorist group. The events of the day started at 8:45 am and are still going on at this moment. I have done some research on this day in history and would like to give you a time line of what happened that day 3 years ago.


>>>American Airlines flight 11 going from Boston Mass. to Los Angeles CA. carries 92 people crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center.
>>>President Bush is talking to a group of school students in Sarasota, Florida.
>>>President Bust is told.

>>>Everyone watched thinking that the first plane was an accident; however, as they watched, United Airlines 175 flew into the South tower. Flight 175 was going from Boston Mass. en rout to Los Angeles CA. and was caring 65 people.
>>>At this time ALL United States air ports were closed down.
>>>Also at this time the White House and Capital were evacuated.

>>>Stephen Evans was in the tower during the first explosion and was one of the first reported casualties.

>>>The president says "We have a national tragedy. Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country."

>>>American Airlines flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon in Washington. This plane was carrying 64 people from Washington to Los Angles.
>>>Due to the crash a portion of one side of the Pentagon crashes to the ground.

>>>United Airlines flight 93 crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.
>>>Before the plane crashed, Emergency dispatcher, Lisa Jefferson received a call from Todd Beamer, a passenger of flight 93, saying "We are being hijacked, we are being hijacked," and "some of us passengers plan on overtaking the hijackers."
>>>Flight 93 was a Boeing 757 with at least 45 passengers going from Newark NJ. To San Francisco CA
>>>Flight 93 was the only plane hijacked not to hit the target the hijackers first intended, crashing near Summerset PA instead on the thought White House.

>>> The South tower collapses. <<<

>>> The North tower collapses. <<<

>>>New York City reports that 200 firemen have been killed and 78 police are kissing.

>>>There was an earlier report that the 7th building of the World Trade Center complex was on fire.
>>>The 47 story building was, however, evacuated and at this time collapsed.

>>>President Bush addresses nation

***2:30am(local time)
>>> US starts attacks on Afghanistan <<<

Please take the following rose with you to put on your web site to show your appreciation and prayers for the men and women you have died and are ding for the war efforts from September 11th.

!!!!!!!!Thank you!!!!!!!

Rose, Large