Super Bowl 40- Pittsburgh Steelers

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One for the thumb!!!




Again, it was another Super Sunday as the Pittsburgh Steelers took on the Seattle Seahawks.  In Denver's Ford Field on Sunday February 5th,  2006 Super Bowl history was made once again when the Steelers took home the victory and got "one for the thumb".  This was n big day for Super Bowl history as well as Pittsburgh history.  This was the last game the Jerome Bettis lovingly known as "the Bus" would play, he got to play his last game in front of his home fans in Detroit, included in the stands were his mother and late father, looking on with pride and teary eyes.  This was a big night for Willie Parker too.  In the third quarter Parker got the ball and ran 75 yards to score the second touchdown for Pittsburgh.  This play goes down in the books as the longest run in Super Bowl history!  Fans stood and blew the non existent roof off as the time ran out and the Steelers took home the victory with a final score of 10 (Seahawks) 21 (Steelers).  Then in the after game show fans cheered and cried as they watched their team celebrate their victory, and watched them say goodbye to a great player.  We watched as the team took turns holding the trophy and giving their thankful speeches.  Then we all laughed as the team jumped for joy for being able to enjoy a stay at Disney World.

That night fans in Pittsburgh celebrated the only way they knew how- PARTYING ALL NIGHT LONG.  Not a soul was quiet that night as the news spread even to those who were not football fans.  Radio stations were a buzz playing victory song after victory song.  Every bar was open and playing the stations loud as everyone knew tomorrow would be the most skipped day in work and school history.  Schools and works willingly gave up the fight to get everyone to their jobs and schools.  

Then that Tuesday (Feb. 7th) Pittsburgh fans welcomed their winning team home with a huge parade that took up many city blocks and over a quarter of a million fans gathered along the streets an in surrounding buildings, even on top the roves gathered to show their support. 

Super Bowl 40 was a big victory for Steeler fans world wide… I guess it had the appropriate name- Super Bowl XL


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